There are specific times to get deep tissue massages if you want to boost the benefits of the massage. First, it's important to understand what those benefits are because they'll help you schedule your massage session for the optimal time. Most critically, deep tissue massages improve blood flow to your muscles by stimulating the circulatory system. You'll get an influx of oxygen-rich blood, which helps flush out the byproducts of hard exercise, and delivers fresh nutrients.

While the circulatory benefits of massage are profound, other benefits of regular sessions include reduced existing muscle soreness, improved range of motion, and the break up of scar tissue or adhesions that can restrict the movement of your muscles.
Because deep tissue work releases waste products at the cellular level—and may even leave you slightly sore—it's best to consider them a type of workout. Framing messages as workouts helps you schedule your massages more strategically.
If you’d like to chat with one of our therapists regarding any of the above, book your appointment here